Europeans Artists Circle is a circle of friends united by a beautiful friendship beyond borders and a great love of art. There is no rivalry between us, but a great complicity. Our differences and artistic expression are our strengths and complement each other harmoniously.
Each of us speaks and create with his own personal sensibility.
Each term takes its beauty, its full scope alongside the other and enhance each other.
When we realized that as a human being, an artist, we are not rivals but instead are part of a dynamic whole, in harmony, we took a big
step forward. Each of us brings what is most precious in itself, willingness, knowledge and creativity, however small it may be. Expressed with love is a force exponentially and indestructible, which
has allowed humanity to evolve. Each artistic creation, scientific and literary threw his seed in the history of our evolution and all are intimately linked.
It is the law of attraction from the beginning of the creation of our world.
As artists from different nations, through our exhibitions, we hope to make our modest contribution to a genuine friendship and alliance for progress and peace.
Art is the most fervent advocate for expression, it is to awaken the deepest feelings in people, allowing them to express themselves, to communicate. The man needs art as it needs love. Love is in art, art in love and love is an art. We all participate in creating a beautiful work, as a work of art is never finished, love is infinite. Art and love go dig deep in our own infinite wealth. Throughout every expression, every creation of art work to the spiritual, is a form of affirmation is. It expresses the dreams conscious and unconscious, the deep resources of the human spirit.
The art speaks to our soul. This is the soul, we can not define it, but without it we would not exist. Victor Hugo said: "The beauty of the soul spreading like a mysterious light on the beauty of the body. "The beauty inspires us, gives us energy, energy to grow, to create.
And as Albert Camus said: " To create is to live twice! "
Art is the eternal witness of the universal civilizations. The regenerative power of energy and emotion is perpetuated through the centuries from generation to generation. It creates a link with others, across time, space and continents. He keeps his eternal youth. He brings to life the men and gives them hope for the morrow, the dignity to evolve as "human being".
The transmission of thought, emotion shown by the creative ability of the hand, allowed early man to draw on cave walls of Lascaux, to create tools to meet the condition of animal the human condition. With the same spirit, the evolution of art was made in perfect harmony with the evolution of man, in a full merger, and the other one can not be separated.
For Leonardo da Vinci and his contemporaries, the drawing was a kind of versatile instrument, offering unparalleled opportunities for inventions.
He had such a wealth of meaning and power of such communication, we could really associate it with the verb. Language speaking image, but faster than intelligible speech or writing. In his treatise on painting, Leonardo wrote :
" Painting unlike literature, has no need of interpreters for different languages. It its basic principle is to learn the design architect to erect his building so that It is pleasing to the eye. She teaches various forms of pottery vessels, so she instructed goldsmiths, weavers and embroiderers. She discovered the characteristics which speak different languages, she gave the numbers and arithmetic, taught us to represent the figures of geometry, it teaches the Masters of perspective and astronomy, mechanics and engineers. "
The drawings illustrate a speech mental imagery is a more immediately understandable that the verb.
What better ambassador than art to establish a genuine friendship
across borders! It is the finest expression strength universal !
Art is "magic". The images are so powerful that words fail to evoke. Whatever the period, they were lacking to describe such a world view that artists expressed during antiquity, the Renaissance, the Impressionists, the Cubists and today is still the case with Art Contemporary. These "magicians of the art" plant the seed very deep, their statements and their works slowly penetrate the psyche of society.
During an interview, Robert Zakanitch, New York painter said: "Each society has an appearance, a character, a specific attitude and all that is expressed in his
art. We are all part of this expression, but we do not know. "
The communication of this spiritual rebirth manifested by the desire
to uplift the human spirit, applies to all creative acts. The art is manifested by a multitude of expressions, it brings us back to our senses allows us to appreciate the best in others and puts us
in touch with the world.
Art is not an imitation of nature. It is rather to understand and reveal its mysteries. The mission of art is to reveal the subject's consciousness, not to copy. This may open the door to a multitude of visions, interpretations and techniques, depending on the sensitivity of the individual and the moment. Each piece is unique. The chemistry unites the artist, viewer and subject. If our work is able to communicate this idea to people, it's magic.
This desire to elevate the minds of others applies to all creative work. Our intention is to awaken and enjoy the best in others. Everyone has a special talent (more or
less conscious) and a unique way to express it. This talent also responds to specific needs. And when those needs met with the creative expression of that talent is the spark.
Express your talent is a true wealth. We all have a special gift and unique way to express it, it means something you can do better than any other. By implementing this gift, you will leave over time. The expression of this unique talent awakens you to the timeless. Art is a way to make a step from the visible to the unknown secret of nature to infinity, because it does not see, but of perceiving, feeling, but feeling the infinite wealth depths of our being and see with eyes of love the door that lifts us to another dimension and connects us to the timeless. Art is the universal witness of our existence through time and space. This opening time, leads us to a higher level of consciousness.
The great Albert Einstein wrote his theory of relativity: "It is possible that beyond what our senses perceive, hide unsuspected worlds.
The past is history, the future a mystery and the present moment is
called "present". Therefore, seize this moment with all this emotional
richness, revealing its mysteries and to feel the spirit of the subject
through art, is a gift. A gift for the present and the future, a gift that
makes the immortal and infinite the present moment.
Carmen Juárez Medina
President of the association